Doing our part!

Five months ago the world as we knew it changed overnight. Dance District has quickly and efficiently adapted to ensure all dancers are safely returning to dance during the Covid-19 Pandemic. New protocols, rules, and standards will be in place for this 2022 / 2023 season. Kate and Becky want to ensure dancers, families and teachers safe and that everyone is aware of what is expected of all dancers and teachers that enter our building.

  • Our studios have all been marked to indicate 6-foot boxes. Each dancer gets their own 6-foot box for their block of time here

  • Studios are approx 800 square foot each, which allow up to 17 – 6 foot boxes, leaving 200 spare square feet

  • Dancers remain in one studio each evening, while teachers will move around from studio to studio

  • The upstairs change room is strictly off-limits to all dancers

  • Washrooms are assigned to cohorts to limit the spread of germs and sanitized frequently throughout each night

  • Frequently touched surfaces are wiped down throughout the night. An ultraviolet air purification system has been installed delivering ultraviolet energy to disinfect air born particles and germs

  • Studios (including floors), washrooms, lobby and all frequently touched surfaces are professionally cleaned each morning.

  • The floors are ‘fogged’ with a disinfectant each day and throughout the evening should there be a lot of floor work in a class.

  • Teachers wear masks during all instruction in studios.

  • All dance shoes, including hip hop, are not to be worn anywhere else but the studio to prevent further contamination to enter the studio

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

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